Monday, August 6, 2012

DHT and How It Affects Hair Loss

Many people feel that genetics is what causes hair loss, which is only partially true. People from the same blood line will of course have many similar physical characteristics. However, this is not the only cause.

If DHT were not part of every human in the world today, hair loss would not be nearly such a big problem as it is now. DHT is a hormone. DHT is directly related to and affected by the level of testosterone in the bloodstream.

Because there have been plenty research into hair loss, we are now aware what causes DHT, how this effects hair loss and how the effects can be reduced.

DHT in men is mostly a result of a decrease or depletion of testosterone in the male body. As for women, it is caused by a depletion of oestrogen, causing the woman to have more testosterone in her body than she should.

The effect of DHT varies in men and women. DHT hair loss in men occurs in patches while women it happens through thinning of the hair. This is more common in male than in females because men have more testosterone. It is a main cause of balding among men.

Anyone that suffers from hair loss may find that by stopping the production of DHT will cause their hair loss problem to diminish. Whilst there is no quick miracle product that will immediately stop the production of DHT there are a number of products that will help to reduce the amount of DHT that is produced.